Tuesday 7 May 2013

Chemical imbalance or something of the sort

Last couple of days have been a challenge. Last Sunday I was somewhat full of energy and ideas but as often is, the working week has stripped even the last bits of enthusiasm off. I have been coming home and sleeping without getting any less sleepy. Food doesn't taste like anything and there is a slight worry at the back of my head about where all this is leading to. My mind has been hard at work overanalysing everything and finding signs of decay. It's difficult to tell what, if any, part of that brainstorming is actually realistic.

It is one of those times when I again would like that someone noticed the way things are for me. I have spent many days now without anyone honestly wanting to know what is going on in my life. I know it's only I who should be blamed for this for how could anyone know when I'm not near people most of the time. I have talked to someone every day though but with all the excitement they have in their life, they are subconsciously shutting me up. And I don't want to fight or demand the attention I would probably deserve. Not right now.

I guess I just thought I should write it down to process it in my own head. Happier thoughts next time