Thursday 20 November 2008

News and what not

I booked my flights to Finland. I shall be arriving on 22nd and leaving on the 29th of December. If anyone over there wants to meet up, e-mail or ring me.

In other news, nothing. I've literally been sitting here trying to write essays for the last 5 days. I've two more to go and a group project which I'll hopefully get done this weekend. How pathetic. I need some entertainment soon.

Talking to a friend the other night, the topic of Christmas inevitably came up. As said I'll be doing the family Christmas again which I hate. Don't get me wrong, I don't dislike my family but the minute it's Christmas Eve my mother turns into a lunatic and that lasts up until after New Year's Eve. She loves Christmas and always wants to spend it in the most traditional way ever, where as all I want to do it eat nice food (not Christmas food!, have a couple of drinks and relax. But as it is, I usually end up escaping to one of the many parties held on Christmas Eve by people equally annoyed with the whole thing.

One year I'll just get all my friends together and have that for the whole of Christmas.

Until then I'll have to try and enjoy the usual celebrations. If it wasn't for my mother, I would have probably stayed at home on my own this year. Nothing beats a night when the house is empty and you can lazy around in your pyjamas all day. Maybe next year ;)

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