Monday 26 January 2009

The "You know you've been in Ireland for too long" thingy

Due to endless requests blocking my e-mail I will once again review the strange habits and customs of the Irish.

You know you have been in this country for too long when the following doesn't cause any disturbance or wondering of any sort:

Doors and locks - it's completely normal that your front door opens inwards, not the opposite like in Finland. Also, you might have a huge lock on the door but you could easily remove the hinges with a screwdriver.

Carpets - They are everywhere, you have begun to defend their existence in the bedrooms etc and you're completely ignoring the health risk factor.

Drinking - You're disgusted if the pint you ordered is not so full that you're spilling the drink everywhere. A pub offering only one brand of beer on tap would make you laugh. You now consider jagerbombs cocktails and think people requesting blue lagoons etc, are uptight snobs.

Personality - You no longer think it's weird if a complete stranger starts to talk to you. In fact, if you're trapped in a place with someone else, the silence which didn't bother you before, feels unbearable. You're also able to have lengthy conversations about the weather multiple times during the same day.

Food - Eating fried eggs and bacon for breakfast seems appealing. Lunch consists of sandwiches and crisps and you drink tea with your dinner. You add salt and vinegar to your fries and a batter sausage no longer reminds you of heart attacks.

I might update this at a later stage for your reading pleasure

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