Wednesday 17 April 2013


These past weeks have flown by without anything happening. It has been a waiting game for many reasons. Many changes and plans are to come, I tell myself. In all honesty, maybe it is my dour mood that has been making the days go by in the hope of a brighter future.

I'm in a loop of some sort. I keep alienating myself from others as there is nothing worth saying, yet so many thoughts on my mind. The events to come are making me both depressed and excited. Such is life, I guess.

All cryptic words aside, things will be changing soon. In the very near future I will lose someone who has been a remarkable part of my life for the past two months. Lose, I guess would refer to the geographical concept in this case as we are trying to make things work despite of that. Needless to say my heart is aching quite a lot because of this. Many questions are clouding my mind; will these feelings we have for each other be enough to keep it going for the unforeseeable time it will take me to make a definite decision? Am I too optimistic about the future prospects? Can I really trust him and myself to make the right choices for both of us?

On the other hand, all of those plans made during the last months will finally come to fruition. June will be the month of experiences of many kind on this island. July will bring me an adventure in a different country; hitchhiking, camping and retreating to the awesome wilderness on the many treks I have planned. August will bring together friends old and new in addition to the annual trip to the motherland. Lots, lots.

Maybe next time I write about the miracles happening around me and the truly amazing nature of people. For now I will shed a tear for lost things.

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