Friday 26 December 2008

The Feeeenland Xperience

Well well well.

Finland, my dear motherland has been somewhat interesting this year. It seems that since the last time, a lot of my old school mates have settled down (eek), had children (eek) but are otherwise still exactly the same they were before.

I have been nearly able to keep myself from cracking up, but I must admit I seem to be going through some sort of a cultural shock, even though I know how things go here. It's still hard to get used to the uncomfortable modesty, straightforwardness and the polite minding one's own business attitude

I've adapted a tiny bit though. I've relearned not to say hello to people and I didn't think it was too weird that my ex boyfriend pinched my ear while passing by instead of saying hi. After a few fatal incidents I've learned not to joke around as freely, as people here have a completely different sense of humour, so it seems.

It has been good to catch up with people and do absolutely nothing all day. It'll be even better to go back to Ireland, and re-realise that maybe the little shitty green island isn't that bad after all.

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