Wednesday 17 December 2008

The nightmare also known as male hormones

Warning: contains bad language, bitching and capital letters.

Finally got myself to sort out some unfinished business with a member of the male gender. I wasn't putting it off because it was difficult, but mostly because I didn't really want to discuss with the person in question.

I was delighted to notice that for once it wasn't painful and didn't make me want to strangle you. We had a proper civilized conversation of things that needed to be discussed and I even listened to some of your personal shit while I was at it.

but WHY FFS YOU FUCKING IDIOT ARSEHOLE BASTARD do you then somehow feel that it's appropriate to reapproach me with such UTTER SHIT afterwards. If I'm nice to you for 2 seconds, it doesn't mean I want to sleep with you. I don't really even want to see you, let alone share any "physical affection" with you. Why don't you have a fucking wank or something, and stop pestering every poor female on this globe with your needs. It's annoying, uncomfortable and makes you look like a right idiot.


p.s While you're at it, cut the sensitive shit. It doesn't make you look like a fragile art-y person, all it does is make you look gay, that doesn't seem to be what you desire anyway.

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